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  • 公司地址:中国 广东 佛山 南海区  罗村街道沿江北路1号富弘广场
  • 企业类型:私营有限责任公司
  • 主营:不锈钢焊管机械设备,焊管模具,不锈钢抛光机械设备


  • 联系人: 朱香安
  • 手机:18820879368
  • 电话:0757-61162337
  • 地址: 中国 广东 佛山 南海区  罗村街道沿江北路1号富弘广场



创建时间:2018-08-07 17:51 浏览次数:228




Molud known as the "100 industry mother", is in the external force under the blank to become a specific shape and size of the production of the tool. The mold is a precision tool, the shape of complex, bear the blank of the expansion force, the structural strength, stiffness, surface hardness, surface roughness and processing accuracy have a higher demand for mold production level of development is one of the important indicators of the level of machinery manufacturing.

Stainless steel pipe mould, also known as rollpipe die, is the production of stainless steel pipe essential parts, the value of the pipe system equipment, there is no time, only the workmanship of the mold to be able to produce first-class pipe. Welded pipe mold is not only the main hub of stainless steel pipe equipment, but also determine the shape of stainless steel tube and the size of the main accessories. The types of pipe molds are round tube mold, square tube mold, plum tube mold, oval tube mold, fan tube mold, P Plus tube mold and so on. Excellent pipe mold through the selection of fine raw materials and superb mature processing techniques, you can do high precision, small error, to solve the formation of pipe uneven, the angle is not good, the production process of the strain, wrinkling, fingerprints, mechanical pattern , Diagonal, concave angle and other defects, and the shape and position tolerance roundness control within ± 0.05mm, square tube diagonal error does not exceed ± 0.05mm.

模具材料/Mold material

模具加工工艺/Mold processing technology

模具热处理/Mold heat treatment

模具分布/Mold distribution

模具展示/Mold display




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